First meeting of SHPE-sponsored Robotics Club (Sept. 22, 2011)
SHPE Cincinnati is moving forward with its effort to established two Robotics Clubs in the Cincinnati area.
On Thursday, Sept. 22, the Coaches met with children from Lakota's Hopwell Jr. school, and AMIS (Academy of Multilingual Immersion Studies).
In AMIS we had 15 kids participating:
The goal was to introduce the FIRST Lego League concept, learn about the kids' expectations, provide them with a schedule for the reminder of the semester, and start team building. We also had our first "engineering challenge" - a competition to build the tallest tower out of spaghetti and marshmallows.
More pictures are in our Photo Gallery or on Facebook
We are looking for volunteers to be mentors and coaches. Please contact us if you would like to help (click here)