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SHPE Cincinnati

Maribel Cortes Conde is the new President of SHPE Cincinnati

Posted by admin On 2020/12/2 11:20:00 (2437 reads)

We are pleased to announce that Maribel Cortes Conde has been appointed by the Board as the new President of SHPE Cincinnati. 

Maribel is a GE Aviation Sr Technical Project Manager working on an important migration project across the whole engineering community. Born and raised in Mexico City, Cortes Conde holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science from the Polytechnic Institute in Mexico. Her career in a male dominated industry includes managing outsourcing IT operations with teams in Mexico, India, China and USA. Some of the clients in US included GE Aviation, GE Energy, GE Transportation, Anheuser Busch and Mitel Networks in Canada.

Maribel’s passion for education moved her to support the Cincinnati Ohio Hispanic Community with volunteering work at the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, supporting organizations such as Su Casa, LULAC and Santa Maria etc.

She is an active member of the GE Aviation Hispanic Forum and the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, which have been a platform to support Cincinnati Public school kids during the pandemic, where she led the initiative to provide refurbished laptops to ESL students within the school district.

Maribel has 2 daughters, Sophia Munoz(16) and Tamara Munoz(14) who attend Walnut Hills High School and is married to Walter Munoz, who is also an active member supporting the Hispanic community.

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