Tomas Mendez (Duke Energy) and Victor Martinez (P&G) had the opportunity to present to a group of over 60 Hispanic High School students about careers in STEM and how the process of getting to where are today has shaped us as individuals. Unfortunately, many of these kids don't have role models to look up to and we want to change that! We are interested in identifying volunteers that would like to give back and that would help us show our next generation of leaders that there are people that look like them in companies out there.
![]() West End Cincinnati's Hays-Porter "High-Tech" Elementary School students were learning Robotics as part of the "Summer of STEM" initiative sponsored by Greater Cincinnati STEM Collaborative, Duke Energy and P&G This event was organized by SHPE Cincinnati with help from XOOPS Foundation and West End Community Council, and hosted by Robert A. Taft Information Technology High School. ![]() SHPE Cincinnati was invited to participate in the UC Latino Faculty, Post Doctoral Fellow & Graduate Student Mixer on Friday, Feb. 12, 2016 The participants learned about SHPE, our goals, and about membership opportunities. ![]() SHPE Cincinnati was mentioned by Cincinnati Public Schools in an article about the recent "Hour of Code" which our chapter supported, incl. a quote from our VP of Marketing, Michael Beck, who is also on the West End Community Council: ![]() Another successful Noche de Ciencias (Night of Science). 35 kids at AMIS (Academy of Multilingual Immersion Studies) had fun learning about buoyancy and Newton's laws with 2 science projects while 15 parents had 2 workshops on college access and financial aid. 10 awesome volunteers and 3 teachers changing life through STEM. Way to go! Join us on Facebook More pictures: in our Photo Gallery #IamCPS‬ ‪#CPSandME‬ ‪#education‬ ‪#cincinnati‬ ‪#technology‬ ‪#SHPECincinnati‬ ‪#HFAviation‬ ‪#AMIS‬ ‪#PayItForward‬ Cincinnati Public Schools |